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Horror stories

Horror Story 3: Sociopath Cookies

PLOT: Ben, now fifteen and freshman in highschool, has his whole family under his thumb and watched 24/7 no matter where they are. No one but his family knows of Ben's "condition" and if they dare tell, he will make them his personal delicious cookies.  Takes place four years after X-Mas Cookies, read that in "The Masters of Horror" so you understand the story a bit 

A/N: A continuation of "X-Mas Cookies"



As I watched my father go outside and into his car to head off to work. I saw my father turn his head over his shoulder and glanced up at me. I knew well he was afraid of me, who wouldn't be? I threatened them all when they had tried to call the police and the mental insitution to come and get me. They've all given up. 

When my father finished glancing up at me in both fear and concern, he unlocked his car door and went in. Placing the key in the ignition, he started off and drove away until I couldn't see him no more. I turned back to my room and listened to some music to keep his mind off his me.

I turn my heel around and grabbed my school bag. I didn't allow my aunt, uncle, and cousins to leave the house ever. I smiled at them when they all greeted me with so much nervousness, it made me smile even more, almost to the point where I am laughing but I was never reallying the laughing person. 

"Now remember our deal unless you want to end up like her." I threatened, refering to my step-mother whom I killed four years ago. 

They all nodded in fear as they watched the fourteen year old me go out the door and wait for the bus to come pick me up.


At school, no one knew of what I've done. All they knew that my step-mother died and my father worked hard to keep me in high spirits so it was said I live with my aunt, uncle and cousins.  

Everyone who had known me since my first day of coming, all would think I'm innocent, pure, a person who wouldn't dare to hurt a fly. If only they knew me as well as my family does. 

As I continue my way to his locker, two males blocked my locker, my path. Both were sixteen, tall. Could snap me in two like twigs on the ground but his height did not imitate me but I have to sometimes act like it did, school was no place to act "scared" unless my identity is about to be blown. I looked up at the two. Fear, unknown to me. No terror in my eyes. No movement of sheer quiverment. "I need to get into my locker please." 

The two looked at each other then at me before laughing their heads off as if it were some kind of joke. I wanted to kill them now but I kept my cool, there were too many witnesses and most of the people in this school, escpecially the authorities, they've all decided to trust me which was very foolish of them. 

"This is your locker? Oh, our bad, here, let us get your texts," One said forming a fist and punched the locker, opening it. He and the other looked inside and tossed the books out before grabbing the bag of cookies. "My, look what we have here. Treats." 

I stood there and watched every movement of the dark brown haired as he opened his bag of cookies that he freshly made. A slight sneer formed in my eyes, like a hawk waiting for it's prey. Before I could react, the elder dumped the cookies on the ground before crushing them with his filthy shoe. 

That angered me greatly. I couldn't do anything as the two walked away, laughing their heads off.  


I return home from school, a scheme on my mind, and the smell of food invading my nostrils. When my plan came to mind, full proof, a sly smirk formed.  My cousin came down in time to see the smirk. He winced, hoping it wasn't for him. "Was, was that for me?" He asked, his voice shaking it nearly annoyed me.

I looked up at him and smiled, making him flinch more in fear and nervousness. "No cousin, it isn't for you, at least, not just yet". I walked away from him but not before hearing a sigh of relief.  

In my room, I lay down on my bed and imagined my plan coming into place on the two boys. How dare they do that to my cookies, I had worked hard to make them perfect now they were destroyed on the ground by their filthy feet. 

They are going to pay. Tonight. 


I knew where the two would go late at night after their dinner time. My window is the perfect setting place to see where my victims go. I grabbed my jacket then head down into the kitchen and grabbed a rolling pin, a kitchen knife, and a few cookie cutters before I went outside, the hood of my jacket over my head. 


I walked a few miles down the block until I heard laughter, a laughter I recongize too well. I scowled and growled quietly as I kept my gaze over the horizon not wanting to meet the young man who owned the laughter, I wanted nothing to do with him or his "friends".  

"Hey, hey yo guys. It's that kid, Ben." One of the guys shouted out as they began to surround me. I may be small and frigile looking but they will soon know I am not the one ot mess with so lightly. 

I rolled my eyes and thought to myself to walk away, again, not wanting to be bothered with these bafoons but then a flashback flashed before my mind as I remembered what they did to my precious cookies. My hands formed into a tight fist as anger built up inside me, I looked down at the ground cursing quietly. I smiled sweetly and cleared my throat, raising my head up to meet the gang.

"Hello boys, I have come to punish you for destorying my cookies." I said, as calmly and sly as a snake, ready to strike it's prey, as predictied, they all laughed. 

"Punish us? Dude, you're short, you're skrawny, you're..." But before he could finished, I swung the rolling pin down under his private part. As he clenched onto his private part, he fell on his knees, whimpering in great agonizing pain. His friends looked at him then at me. Taking out their knives, they all charged towards me but I was ready for them.

I stabbed the next one with my kitchen knife between his eye then swung the rolling pin at the side of the head of the other then beat his head up until he was dead like the other. Soon there were two left. The one I jabbed my rolling pin into his private part the other was clean but dropped his cellphone when he saw me face him. Their friends were now cold-stone dead. 

"Time to pay". 


I had them just where I wanted. I commanded the boys, who were shaking visibly, to carry them to their house and into the kitchen. When we got there, I told them to place them next to the oven which I turned on to 450 degress to heat up. I raised my knife and sliced them both open so I could see to their flesh. 

"Get me a cookie plater, now!" I commanded the blonde hair who vigoriously searched for a plater. He found one and handed to me, a perfect size. I thanked him which made him jump. 

I cut the two other boys' flesh up from their bodies and made cookie shapes out of them with my cookie cutters them placed them on the platter but not before having a few bites. I did not care for the taste of raw cookies but it was okay, just not my cup of tea.

Sprinkling some powered sugar on them, I told the brown hair to do the same I did with the other. He shook his head "no" and I thrust the knife on his thigh and ran it down to his leg slowly. I showed no mercy as he screamed/cried in agony. 

I kept going and going, smiling my signature sweet smile until he agreed to do as I had said. Taking the other dead boy, the brown haired mimicked what I did to his other friends but shook his hands with fear. His eyes were streaming down with tears as he apologized to his dead friends for mulitating them but his pathetic cries were worthless to me. 


Once the cookies were ready to be cooked, I placed them both in the oven and we waited for an hour and a half before they were ready. I took them both out one at a time and placed them on a plate once they cooled off. I told them both to eat their friends. I smiled a devil's smile as they eat the flesh and blood of their deceased friends. 

"Now, tell anyone, and I will kill you. Just like I did to your friends, just like I did to my step-mother." I expained, taking a bite of my cookie. 

"So, the stories we all have been told were not true? You, you killed her? The exact way to killed our friends?" The blonde asked, shaking, nibbling on his cookie. 

I nodded and looked over at the decapitated, sliced up bodies all laying down in a pool of their blood. I now not only have my family under my thumb but them two as well, I felt a tingle of sensation, the feeling of being a dominate, a ruthless ruler made my mind snap with such gruesome glory. 


No one dares to harm my cookies, holiday or not. All cookies deserve to be treated with respect. 

